I love to teach! I strive to create an environment where creativity and joy flourish. I teach classes and lecture at my studio, quilt guilds, shops and offer open enrollment classes online for anyone to sign up. I can conduct all lectures and classes online, unless noted. I can lecture and teach in-person, within 200 miles of Leesburg VA; otherwise I require a minimum of 2 consecutive days of workshops (3 days if I must fly). I give in-person lectures (without a class) only if an overnight stay is not required (within 50 miles of Leesburg VA).
Watch this video (above) I prepared for Global Quilt Connection for an overview of my online lectures and classes geared for guilds. I’ve added classes on Scrap Quilting since then; check out my Piecing Classes page.
Watch this video (above) I prepared for Global Quilt Connection for an overview of my online scheduled Open Enrollment classes geared for individuals to sign up. See the classes I’m currently offering and sign up at https://soquilts.square.site/shop/classes-/5.
Here’s a handout with info on my most popular lectures and classes.
For more details, see individual pages for:

- Machine Quilting Classes, running the gamut of Beginning Free Motion through Heirloom Quilting
- Piecing Classes, all of which include discussions of color and value to bring your quilts to life. Includes Amazing Abstracts, Shimmering Triangles, Season of Houses and Scrap Quilting
- Specialty Classes, such as Starting Your Own Business
- Lectures on a variety of quilting topics – fun and informative with LOTS of quilts
- Rates and contract
- Shop for Color Tools, Classes, Notions, Batting and Patterns
- Calendar – see my schedule of classes and lectures